June 9, 2014

Visa credit card is now accepted for tuition and fee payments

VALDOSTA--Valdosta State University is now accepting Visa as credit and debit card option for tuition and fees. In the past, the university was only able to accept Master Card, American Express, and Discover payments.
According to Debra McCrary, VSU bursar, when VSU began using TouchNet’s PayPath Tuition Payment Service in 2008, Visa was not an authorized vendor due to interchange and merchant acceptance rules.
“Students and parents always seemed very surprised to learn we could not accept VISA for student account payments,” said McCrary, who stressed that the decision not to accept Visa was not made by VSU. “Accepting Visa as payment will remove barriers experienced by some students and their parents.”
McCrary stated that payments using credit cards and debit cards are still assessed a 2.75 percent convenience fee, which is not received by VSU, but retained by the card processor.
To avoid additional fees, students are able to make online payments via web check using a bank routing number and checking account number, as well as traditional check or cash payment.
McCrary added that the Nelnet Payment Option, which divides payments into affordable installments, is also available. The deadline to enroll in this option for fall semester is July 25 (25 percent down payment is required) or Aug. 22 (50 percent down payment is required). More information, visit website http://www.mycollegepaymentplan.com/vsu
For more information on the services provided by VSU’s Bursary, visit the website at http://www.valdosta.edu/administration/finance-admin/financial-services/students/